I’m a coach and facilitator, currently based in London, UK.

I’ve spent over 10 years in the start-up, tech and non-profit sectors, most recently as a people manager and internal coach at the Centre for Effective Altruism. Before that, I was a professional community builder for Google, Pinterest, Nike and others.

I now work with people who want to take full ownership and responsibility for their lives, and who are willing to take courageous, values-based action to live in integrity, flourish and contribute.

I trained in Co-Active Coaching with the Coaches Training Institute, the largest experiential coach training and leadership development organisation in the world and underwent further training via the ACE Coach Accelerator program with David Peterson (former Head of Coaching and Leadership at Google) and David Goldsmith (coaching industry pioneer and Executive Director of 7 Paths Forward).

As a life-long learner and personal development nerd I’ve explored countless sources of human wisdom which I bring to my coaching including Non-Violent Communication, positive psychology, rationality, neuroscience, and mindfulness.



Previous projects


I held various roles at the Centre for Effective Altruism, a Y Combinator-backed non-profit set up by Will MacAskill, an Associate Professor in Philosophy at Oxford University.

The Effective Altruism community is a global network of people who use data, evidence and reason to figure out how to solve the world's most pressing problems.

Responsibilities included producing EA Global conferences, grant-making for EAGx conferences, managing the Groups and Community Health teams and headhunting crucial new hires.



By sharing reviews, photos, and knowledge about the places around them, Google's Local Guides help inform millions of people and make it easier to discover local places.

I launched Local Guides in the UK and Germany, which included; running user research, providing local product feedback to engineers, producing big budget events, creating engaging social media and newsletter content and launching projects to empower the community to self-organise.



Solve for X was a think tank launched by Google to ignite collaboration on 'moonshot' projects solving global issues.

I managed the Solve for X social media channels and events, interviewed innovators via livestreams and spoke at conferences.



Campus London was Google's space for entrepreneurs.

I co-led the Women's community which was set up to empower, inspire and drive gender-balanced representation across the Campus community and its network. As well as hosting monthly meet-ups, I produced a one-day well-being conference which kick-started a wider conversation about the importance of self-care for founders and freelancers.



Pinterest’s mission is to help people discover the things they love, and inspire them to go do those things in their daily lives.

I built a community of top content creators, bloggers and influencers to help them share great ideas on Pinterest. This involved launching a private forum, hosting educational events and meet-ups and facilitating collaborations on editorial campaigns, increasing the number of ideas shared by the community.



The Sunday Assembly is a secular congregation which celebrates life. Their mission is to help everyone live life as fully as possible.

I managed their program of peer-to-peer support groups, training facilitators, creating resources and reporting impact for the 100+ participants. As a trained coach and design-thinking instructor, I've also hosted numerous workshops for them focused on personal development.